Sunday, August 18, 2013

Stop Payment Processing (SPP)

Stop payments can be marked as per customer’s request through the menu option SPP. Stop Payment instructions for a cheque(s) can be entered only if Issue of concerned chequebook has been acknowledged by customer and is duly entered in the system. Therefore, it is necessary that cheque book should be in acknowledged status before any stop payment instructions are entered in the system.  

Stop Payment  Step-By-Step

01. SPP - Enter
02. S - F4 - A/C ID - F4
03. Begin Cheque No - F4 - No of Leaves - F4
04. Enter Party Details Name - Tab -  Date - Tab - Amount
05. Tab - Reason Code (Press F2 and Select from List ex. Option 2) - F4
05. Option - C (Charge Collection) - F4 - F4
06. Press F10 and send for Verification

Note: Use the option 'G' for modification of general details

Stop Payment Verification

01. SPPAU - Enter
02. V - F4 - A/c ID - F4
03. Begin Cheque No - F4 - F4
04. Option C - F4 - F4
05. Press F10
06. Print Dialogue Box will appear.
07. F (Foreground) - F4 - Y (Print required) - F4 - mention no copies & Printer
08. Press F10 to generate the STOP payment confirmation letter.

Inquire whether cheque is stopped or not.

01. ACM - Enter
02. I - F4 - A/C ID - F4
03. Option Q - F4
04. Select the Cheque Series - Ctrl+E
05. Find the cheque is marked as "Stopped"