Demand Drafts / Banker’s Cheque / Pay Order are an important mode of remittance of money from one centre to another for the public in general. This is one of the key services offered by the bank which generates non-fund income to the Bank.
Apart from issue and payment of draft, other activities involved in this line of business are cancellation, rectification, re-validation, reversal, noting caution as a part of Demand Draft handling process. Automatic charge calculation, charging of special charges for special customer, also forms integral part of business requirement.
Demand Draft
A demand draft is an order instrument drawn by one office of a bank upon another office of the same bank .Through this process the money is transferred from one centre to another centre.
Issue of Demand Draft
Menu Option – TM / HDDMI
DD by Cash Step-By-Step
01. TM - A - F4 - C/NR - F4
02. Enter DD A/C No (To Select Press F2 - Scheme Type - DDA - F4 - Select DD AC) - F4
03. DD Amount- Tab - C - Tab - Narration "DD by cash"- F4
04. Mention City- Tab - Branch - F4
05. Payee Name - F4 (Payee name Must be Exact as per Slip) - Purchaser Name - F4
06. Print Option - L - F4 (View Charge) - F4
07. Use DOWN ARROW to Visit all Part Tran
08. POST all Part Trans (P- F4) - Finally Press F10
08. Note Down DD No / TRANID and Proceed to Printing of a Single DD
Apart from issue and payment of draft, other activities involved in this line of business are cancellation, rectification, re-validation, reversal, noting caution as a part of Demand Draft handling process. Automatic charge calculation, charging of special charges for special customer, also forms integral part of business requirement.
Demand Draft
A demand draft is an order instrument drawn by one office of a bank upon another office of the same bank .Through this process the money is transferred from one centre to another centre.
Issue of Demand Draft
Menu Option – TM / HDDMI
DD by Cash Step-By-Step
01. TM - A - F4 - C/NR - F4
02. Enter DD A/C No (To Select Press F2 - Scheme Type - DDA - F4 - Select DD AC) - F4
03. DD Amount- Tab - C - Tab - Narration "DD by cash"- F4
04. Mention City- Tab - Branch - F4
05. Payee Name - F4 (Payee name Must be Exact as per Slip) - Purchaser Name - F4
06. Print Option - L - F4 (View Charge) - F4
07. Use DOWN ARROW to Visit all Part Tran
08. POST all Part Trans (P- F4) - Finally Press F10
08. Note Down DD No / TRANID and Proceed to Printing of a Single DD